I'm a proper scener again!
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Now, for some bizarre reason ā (and from what he said, I really think it was more about notching up another release for Cosine), TMR invited me to join Cosine ā and in a moment of weakness I agreed! So, I must be a real scener now Iām in a group!? As such, Melissa will be a Cosine release.
Following much encouragement (bordering on harassment by TMR on #lemon64 I got down to learning to code properly by starting to put a simple little game together. You can download the latest work in progress version here.
Interviewed for C64 Headquarters
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You can now read an interview that I’ve done for the C64 Headquarters. The interview is here.
It’s been an interesting month so far. I’ve been trying to back into coding again. I’ve been both surprised and disappointed at the amount of stuff that I’ve remembered (or haven’t). I’ve have managed to do something though which may lead to something – you never know! Hopefully I’ll have some “work in progress” previews up at some point.
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